Well, here's one organization that's getting it right (with maybe the best/most straightforward Twitter link I've ever seen): Monticello's Online Communities

FACEBOOK is blocking all your friends news feeds EXCEPT for 250 THEY choose. TO UNDO BLOCK: Here is how you can change it back to the old way. 1. Click "Home" 2. Look to the top left menu and click on MORE. Then drag STATUS UPDATE........to the top. After dragging to top........., click on it. That becomes your default... and it is like before. Cut and paste this & pass it on!![credit to my dad for asking me about it]
By default, the Facebook "Live Feed" only shows stories from 250 friends. If you want to allow it to show stories from all friends, do this:
1. On the FB Home Page, click on "Live Feed" at the top.
2. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click "Edit Options".
3. You'll get a pop-up window with "News Feed Settings." It should say 250 by default, but a higher number means you will see new posts more frequently. You can change it to anything up to 5,000.
4. Click Save. CRISIS AVERTED.
How can I find the time to keep up with both my organization's Twitter account and Facebook Page? Can I just post the same content to each? ...And isn't there an app for that?As I've said many times, for a lot of small arts organizations, social media doesn't have to be a financial expense at all -- but it sure is a time expense! There are a number of different ways to link your organization's Facebook and Twitter accounts, but you should think carefully about how you do it.
"Michelle is writing a blog post! #fb" would get posted to Facebook.Pretty simple, very effective. (Note that I am not at all affiliated with the folks who created the Selective Twitter app! Just a fan.) I just think it makes more sense to choose an app that gives you more control over your social media experience -- and more importantly, the experience of your fans and followers.
"Michelle is writing a blog post!" would not.
"...I only knew Javier's page was "successful" because I am a fan of a lot of pages and see how different people interact with their fans... Javier is really genuine and connects with his fans in a way others do not. People tend to gain a larger fan base when they interact with their page more."Sound familiar? Being genuine, starting conversations, being an active participant -- all these principles of Facebook success absolutely apply to arts organizations.
Facebook for Arts Organizations, a four-webinar seriesAll sessions are free for Patron Technology clients. (clients register here)
Session 1: Fans Are Better Than Friends: Your Organization's Presence on Facebook (Encore Presentation)
Thursday, June 4th, 2:00-2:45pm EDT
Session 2: Are You Content With Your Content?
Tuesday, June 16th, 2:00-2:45pm EDT
Session 3: Apply Yourself!
Tuesday, June 30th, 2:00-2:45pm EDT
Session 4: Fan-ning the Flames
Tuesday, July 14th, 2:00-2:45pm EDT
What happens to the page when the person who's the administrator leaves the organization? Is there some way the page can be "reassigned" to another Facebook user? The potential for an unhappy ex-employee to sabotage the organization's FB page seems worrisome.Main Street Theater's next comment got it right:
You can make admins out of any of the fans or any of your friends.
"But Michelle, even when I’m not logged in to Facebook, it says right there at the bottom of the home page, 'To create a page for a celebrity, band or business, click here.'"It's true -- you can click on that link and start the process of creating your page without logging in or even having an account. But once you get past the first screen of information, you'll be taken to a login screen and asked to sign in! This screen will also tell you that if you don't have a personal Facebook account already, you can enter your name and e-mail address and create something called a Business Account.
"Please be aware that managing multiple accounts is a serious violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If we determine that an individual has more than one account, we reserve the right to terminate all of their accounts."Yes, maintaining your personal Facebook account ("look, pictures of my cat!") and a separate Business Account ("nothing to see here, just running my organization's Page...") COUNTS AS HAVING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.
Actions that will show up as Page actions:
* Posting pictures
* Creating events
* Posting on the Wall
* Sending Updates
Actions that will be linked to your personal account:
* Sending Event INVITATIONS
* “Sharing” things (directly inviting people to become fans, and reposting events)
"What is the benefit of linking the facebook page to our company website? Meaning, why should we get more facebook fans if they are already visiting our website?"My answer has two parts.
"If I can get someone to join my e-mail list, I can market to them forever. But if they come and go without leaving a trace, I've missed a huge online marketing opportunity to contact them directly." (Web Sites for Culture, Eugene Carr)Replace "e-mail list" with "Facebook Fan Page," and the concept stays the same. If a patron is on your site, that's great -- but who are they? What do they want? And how can you contact them again? By getting that visitor to become a Fan, you get to find out who they are, and you can continue to communicate with them in the future, rather than just passively waiting for them to visit your site again.
I’m still conflicted on the Page vs. Group issue for non-profit arts organizations. Especially in New York, where the small and mid-size performing arts organizations are part of a network where everyone knows one another... Audiences who don’t come from within the community often want to be a part of it – make a personal connection, rather than feel like they are part of a commercial enterprise.Stephanie raises a good point about creating a more community-oriented space on Facebook -- and it's evident that she wasn't the only one to think so! By now you all know my thoughts on the NEW Facebook Pages: They're designed to be so much more community-based and interaction-friendly than they were before. Now Page administrators have more control -- as long as you're posting compelling messages and discussion questions, the Page can be made to feel much less like a "commercial enterprise" now.
A friend of mine is a Fan of 245 pages. He’s a Fan of Kermit, The Daily Show, the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, The Little Prince, Spinach, Burberry, Muffins, Macbook, the IDF, Tommy Hilfigger, Sushi, Levis Footwear -- the list goes on. ...Pages become more of a statement of aesthetic than a place he actually visits and interacts with on a regular basis.
Pages are now a part of News Feed
From now on, posts from Pages you are a fan of will show up in your News Feed. You can hide their posts by clicking the 'x' in the top right corner of the post. If you would like to see posts from Pages you connected to the in past, click here.
"Hi Michelle. I've been doing status updates for our Facebook page, but as far as I can tell, they are not showing up on our Fans' walls. They don't show up on my wall, and I just checked with another person in our organization who is not an admin but is a fan, and the updates are not on her wall either.(Short answer: both problems *might* be a browser issue? Try looking at FB in Internet Explorer and Firefox, see if the problems exist in both. There doesn't seem to be a definitive solution yet, though.)
Is there something I need to do to make the status updates show up on our fans' walls?
I'm also having problems with the Page where parts of the page appear layered over other parts. Sometimes the pictures of the Fans move around and appear on top of other sections."